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About Vancouver Cap

Vancouver Capital offers a wide range of business solutions, both onshore and offshore. We operate our network of fully-integrated fund and consulting services in many of the world’s popular jurisdictions including, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing the Cayman Islands, New York, the British Virgin Islands, Luxembourg, London, Singapore, and many others. Additionally, over decades, we have developed professional relationships with leading companies that may be able to assist our clients with growth opportunities.

溫哥華資本提供範圍廣泛的在岸和離岸業務解決方案。 我們在包括香港,上海,北京,開曼群島,紐約,英屬維爾京群島,盧森堡,倫敦,新加坡等許多全球流行管轄區內經營我們的全面整合基金和諮詢服務網絡。 此外,幾十年來,我們與領先的公司建立了專業關係,可能能夠幫助我們的客戶獲得增長機會。

Our History – 我們的歷史

Vancouver Capital was created to serve startups and growth companies in Hong Kong and China with there business and capital needs. In many ways Vancouver Capital was created to address the needs of existing clients who needed targeted services but do not want to have to contact numerous firms to assist. This is where Vancouver Capital can play a large role.

溫哥華資本的創立旨在為香港和中國的創業公司和成長型公司提供服務,滿足商業和資本需求。 在許多方面,溫哥華資本的創建是為了滿足需要有針對性服務的現有客戶的需求,但不希望與眾多公司聯繫協助。 這就是溫哥華資本可以發揮重要作用的地方。

Our Vision – 我們的願景

Our vision at Vancouver Capital is to serve the needs of clients. Our priority is address the ever growing needs of companies that need both access to information and capital. Vancouver Capital prioritizes its clients needs and strives to ensure their long-term success.

我們在溫哥華資本的願景是滿足客戶的需求。 我們的首要任務是解決需要獲取信息和資金的公司不斷增長的需求。 溫哥華資本優先考慮客戶需求並努力確保其長期成功。